You may have snoozed a friend or a page some days ago but now you may find yourself in a situation where you need to unsnooze them. That is why in this article we have put together someways to unsnooze someone on Facebook.

How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook?

You may be regretting your decision of snoozing someone and getting very impatient in searching for ways to unsnooze them. Lucky for you we put together some ways so that your process of unsnoozing your friend might be easier and a bit quicker. There are mainly two ways:-

1. Using the Main Settings

You can easily unsnooze someone on Facebook by going to the main settings. You can go to ‘News Feed Preferences‘ and click on ‘Snooze‘ where you can choose to unsnooze all the people or pages you have snoozed. Follow the steps below for both mobile and desktop:-

On Mobile

On Desktop

2. By Going to Profile Page

You can also unsnooze someone on Facebook by going to their profile page. There you will see an option of unsnoozing them. Just go to their profile and click that option and you can unsnooze them.

How Long Does the Snooze Feature Last?

Once you snooze someone you will stop getting updates from them for 30 days in your News Feed. This feature is not permanent and will only last 30 days. After the 30 days are completed you will start to receive updates about them in your News Feed as you used to do previously.

Will Someone Know if I have Snoozed them?

Facebook does not notify people to let them know that someone has snoozed them. Your friends, pages and groups will not know that you have snoozed them. Only you will have the knowledge on the people you have snoozed and no one else unless you share it with someone.

Wrap Up

The Snooze Feature of Facebook is a very helpful feature that prevents updates coming into your News Feed from the person or page that you had snoozed. This feature is temporary and only lasts 30 days. However you may want to undo this and keep on receiving updates from your friends in less than 30 days. Keeping that in mind we put together some ways to unsnooze someone on Facebook. We are reaching an end so if you have any queries or questions regarding this topic then please feel free to leave them down below. Your questions will be answered as soon as possible so do not hesitate in asking.


How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 50How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 94How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 76How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 4How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 35How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 11How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 82How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 85How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 48How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 33How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 2How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 5How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 56How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 8How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 29How to Unsnooze Someone on Facebook  2 Easy Ways - 53